What does that phrase mean? I've heard a lot of interpretations. One is that we, as Christians, should shy away from any and all influences of this world. We should not listen to any non-Christian music, we should not watch TV shows that do not have a "redeeming" purpose, and so on. While this is a worthy idea, it's not exactly sustainable. It also does not give us the ability to be "in this world" and instead creates a wall between Christians and "the world." This divides us from all others. If we are divided, separated, from the rest of the world, how can we possibly serve it? I've recently come to believe that "in the world, not of it" has a much deeper meaning than simply avoiding the sinful influences of the world. The world, especially now, will have us believe that we are in constant danger. There is a continual bombardment of messages telling us how bad the world is now. We are told that Muslims are the enemy. Immigrants are...
One woman's musings of her journey in ministry and faith.